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A short issue this time as I’m very much on holiday for a few weeks. If anyone has any predictions for next year then let me know for the next issue.


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A reminder that the full set of 25 posts from Sysadvent 2015 is now available, with a wide range of topics from Platform as a Service to Networking to Devops and working together.

An excellent writeup of using automated deployment and sample testing as a tool for rapidly refactoring code.

A nice example of using the hoverfly service virtualisation tool to modify http traffic passing through the proxy using custom middleware. Useful for various testing scenarios to avoid lots of mocking.

A nice new feature coming in Docker 1.10 which makes it easier to run containers in read-only mode in production, by adding the ability to mount a directory as tmpfs to deal with transient files.

Kubernetes is picking up steam, so understanding the core primitives is useful. This post covers the basics of Nodes, Services, Pods, Replication Controllers and more with handy lists and diagrams.

A nice quick introduction to using Lua as part of your Nginx configuration with OpenResty. Some interesting points about workflow for the Lua code as well.

OpenStack has a huge surface area to monitor but the first part you probably want to watch is Nova. These post covers the most important metrics to watch and how to access them.


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A unikernel experiment, this time attempting to use Clojure but compiling down to Javascript and running on runtime.js under QEMU.

Devops Weekly is sponsored by Brightbox Cloud: the multi-zone cloud platform built for High Availability.

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